2 windows with shutters, Flowerboxes available
Ligth Grey ~ Dark Grey Trim ~ Black Roof
Pre-built & Delivered Fully Assembled. Ready for immediate use!
- 100 Sqft. Permit not required for this size (in most areas of Ontario)
- Durable exterior-grade walls and trim. Quality Painted
- Cottage gable roof-style
- 5' Double wooden door with Black Hardware and Locking Handle and key(s)
- Shingled roof
- White Aluminum window, opening with screen, Centred at back
- Gable Vent for important ventilation
Construction method:
- Wall: 2x4, 16” on centre
- Interior height: 6' 4 1/2" sidewalls up to approx 8'
- Base: PT 4x4, 2x4 floor joist, 16" on centre, 5/8” Tongue and Groove Plywood floor
Pricing by Size
64 sqft